Once a constant record is had, the patient will know that the infertile days begin after the increase in temperature is maintained for at least three days and end when the temperature drops; this is just before the next period begins. Menstrual.
You can have unprotected intercourse during infertile days, although this is not a guarantee that a pregnancy can be 100% avoided. On the contrary, you should avoid having sex on fertile days or use a more accurate contraceptive method such as a condom.
In addition, it can be used in reverse if you want to get pregnant.
As always, it is recommended to see a gynecologist to receive more information and clarify doubts.
Where is the basal temperature taken?
To make the basal temperature graphs well, we must always place the thermometer in the same place. We can choose to do the measurement in three ways:
orally, placing the thermometer in your mouth
rectally, placing it in the rectum
vaginally, placing it in the vagina, where the measurement will be more accurate in the case of women
With all these measures, we will know the average body temperature in our particular case and the variations that occur in low body temperature or high basal temperature according to the changes in our body.
What is the average body temperature?
The woman’s temperature can be between 36ºC and 36.5ºC before ovulation. However, each woman is different, and a person’s average temperature may vary significantly without indicating that she is ill.
For example, I usually have a low body temperature as an average temperature, and my health is ideal.
basal temperature charts with pregnancy
What is the basal temperature to get pregnant?
With the basal temperature method, we can control the variation of 2 to 5 tenths of temperature that occurs during ovulation. The temperature graph will raise these two tenths with ovulation and remain so for 3 or 4 consecutive days, indicating that these are the most fertile days in women.
Taking these data into account, whatever your basal temperature is, the moment you notice that it has risen a couple of tenths, it is the most favorable period of the menstrual cycle to get pregnant.
The first month you start recording your temperature, you may not see these changes in average body temperature in women. But in a short time and with some practice, you will see an increase in body temperature, and you will become an expert.
And how long does it take to know if you are pregnant?
Pregnancy and basal temperature
If you continue filling in your basal temperature calendar rigorously each day, you will notice that body temperature during pregnancy differs. By the time you see that your temperature has risen and that it remains after this period of 3 or 4 days, you may already be pregnant!
the basal temperature during pregnancy
Although it is not 100% safe, the temperature in pregnancy tends to rise in all women.
There are some cases of low basal temperature and pregnancy, although they are few, and they usually occur in women who generally have a low body temperature.
Tips for Measuring Basal Temperature
Many doctors recommend that we follow this method to get pregnant, yet they do not teach us how to take the basal temperature correctly. If you also want to follow it, these are some tips that will help you know how to take it in the best way:
Take your temperature the moment you wake up, without doing any physical activity or even going to the bathroom.
For the ovulation temperature measurement to be effective, you must sleep at least 4 hours before taking it.
If you have woken up during the night, make sure you have slept at least an hour and a half before taking your temperature.
example basal temperature pregnancy
It is better to take the vaginal temperature, although if it is more comfortable, you can do it in any other part of the body, ensuring that it is always in the same place.
Do not talk either while you are using the vaginal thermometer, as it could be a reason for variation in the measurement.
Leave the thermometer handy on the bedside table so that you have virtually no movement to use it just when you just woke up.
If you’re using a mercury thermometer, leave it ready overnight, so you don’t have to shake it to adjust the temperature in the morning.
Always follow the basal temperature method at the same time. There should be no more than half an hour of a margin between the measurement of each day.
Regular body temperature readings will vary within these ranges depending on the following factors:
the age and sex of a person
the time of day, usually lowest in the early morning and highest in the late afternoon
high or low activity levels
food and liquid intake
for women, the stage of their monthly menstrual cycle
the measurement method, such as oral (mouth), rectal (rectum), or armpit readings
Normal temperature in adults
A body temperature above 100.4 ° F (38 ° C) in adults indicates a fever.
An average adult body temperature, when taken by mouth, can range from 97.6 ° F to 99.6 ° F, although different sources may give slightly different figures.
In adults, the following temperatures suggest someone has a fever:
at least 100.4 ° F (38 ° C) indicates a fever
above 103.1 ° F (39.5 ° C) indicates a high fever
above 105.8 ° F (41 ° C) indicates a very high fever
Researchers have looked at individual differences between people’s average body temperatures. A study that looked at nearly 35,500 people found that older adults had the lowest temperatures and that African-American women’s temperatures were higher than white men’s.
They also found that certain medical conditions can affect a person’s body temperature. For example, people with an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) tend to have lower temperatures, while people with cancer have higher temperatures.
Normal temperature in children
A typical body temperature for children ages 3 to 10 ranges from 95.9 ° F to 99.5 ° F when taken by mouth.
Children’s body temperatures tend to be similar to those of adults.