mushroom are perfect for diabetics

mushroom are perfect for diabetics

Perfect for diabetics

The mushroom is a recommended mushroom for diabetes because its contribution of carbohydrates is low, and it also contains vitamins of group B, C and proteins.

Improve skin

Mushrooms are rich in water, so they ensure proper hydration of the skin. In addition, the shiitake mushroom contains a lot of copper, an essential trace element for the manufacture of collagen, which maintains the smoothness of the skin. They also contain a large number of antioxidants that help cell oxygenation.

Alkaline and detoxifying

Mushrooms help regulate acidity in the body and contain amounts of selenium. This compound plays an essential role in liver function and acts as a natural detoxifier. Could you find it in mushrooms like shiitake?

Anti-inflammatory and healing

Some mushrooms, like maitake, have anti-inflammatory properties that can help you fight diseases like arthritis. In addition, they are also rich in vitamin D, a compound that promotes skin healing.

Lower cholesterol

By containing chitin and beta-glucan, fibres that lower cholesterol, the consumption of mushrooms is excellent for processing cholesterol and eliminating it from the bloodstream. Research published in the International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms determined that pink oyster mushrooms lower total and LDL cholesterol in hypercholesterolemic rats.

But they are not the only compounds: mushrooms are also rich in phytonutrients that prevent cells from adhering to the walls of blood vessels, promoting circulation and balanced blood pressure.
High concentration of nutrients

If you want more vitamin D, in addition to sunbathing, mushrooms are your friends. This fat-soluble vitamin helps absorb calcium, improves bone growth, and is associated with a better immune system and lower risk of depression. The thing does not stop there: mushrooms abound in iron, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, selenium, calcium, potassium, zinc or vitamin A.
They have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries.

Traditional Chinese medicine food.

Mushrooms such as reishi mushrooms have been used medicinally in Asia for thousands of years to fight disease, reduce inflammation, or suppress allergic responses.

According to the magazine Cuerpomente, other prominent mushrooms in traditional Chinese medicine are the Cordyceps Sinensis mushroom, enokitake, maitake or coloured tinder, also called turkey tail.
They keep you young for longer.

Mushrooms could also be a source of eternal youth. When Penn State researchers studied its compounds, they discovered the presence of ergothioneine and glutathione, compounds that fight the oxidative stress that causes ageing. Mushrooms would be the highest dietary source of these two antioxidants consumed together.

Antioxidants also protect against cell damage associated with numerous chronic age-related conditions, such as Alzheimer’s or cardiovascular disease.

As mentioned earlier from the University of Singapore, the study found that older people who ate more than 300 grams of cooked mushrooms a week had half the rates of mild cognitive impairment.
The opportunities they offer us are varied: they can be included as an ingredient in a sauce, be part of the “croutons” in a soup or cream, included in scrambled eggs with other vegetables or eggs, served as a lump of accompaniment meat (and fish). ) or even be part of lasagna, tartlets and empanadas.

The nutrition expert and collaborator of ABC Bienestar, Catalina Prieto, tells a curiosity about this food, because, although we find it in the vegetable section of the supermarket, we cannot classify it as such! ‘Fungi are eukaryotic organisms that are classified in their kingdom. Unlike plants, they do not have chlorophyll, so they cannot produce their food, acquiring their nutrients by absorption, releasing digestive enzymes into the environment that help in this process, “she explains.

The types of mushrooms are so many that we can even find some toxic varieties. Therefore, it is important to be very careful if we like to pick mushrooms in the field (a most autumnal practice). Among the most edible varieties, it is possible that the most prominent, due to its common and repeated one in the kitchen, are mushrooms. These are not only an inexpensive culinary option, but they are also one of the most versatile. As Catalina Prieto explains, they can be ideal for carpaccios and salads, stews, sauteed, filled with pasta, accompaniment to rice, vegetable burgers, pizzas, omelettes …

Ions to take into account when buying and consuming mushrooms:

– Their high fibre content makes them a difficult food to digest, so it is better to consume them in small quantities and at mealtime.

– Buy only mushrooms that are traded in regulated markets.

– Check that they are well packaged and identified.

– Choose the ones that are not stained, wrinkled or sticky.
Varieties of mushrooms most used in the kitchen

Boletus edulis
Mountain elves
Trumpets of death
Thistle mushrooms
Shiitake mushroom
Amanita caesarea
There is a lot of talk about the properties of mushrooms and fungi, but do you know what they are? We are in full season, and it is the time of year when they are most consumed. Today, thanks to the different conservation alternatives, we can enjoy them every day because their benefits on our health and nutrition border on the extraordinary. Next, we review these qualities that give it that prominent place at our table.

Cantharellus pallens

Benefits of edible mushrooms

Mushrooms are the result of fungal growth. They are located between the animal and plant kingdoms, and they belong to the fungi kingdom. They differ from plants in that they do not have chlorophyll, and their cell walls are made up of a substance called chitin.

They stand out for their high nutritional value; they are a natural contribution of proteins and minerals, among which we can highlight phosphorus, iron and potassium, being low in sodium.

Tricholoma terrarium

As a curiosity, according to the MedlinePlus medicine portal, phosphorus constitutes up to 1% of our body weight. It is present in each of the cells that make up us. It is decisive in the bones and teeth.

As for iron, on the same website, it is said that it is considered an essential mineral because it is required to form red blood cells, that is, our blood cells, without which we could not live. But it is also necessary for our muscles. Its lack causes anemia.

Potassium helps nerves and muscles communicate, allows nutrients in cells to flow, and helps flush waste from cells. Even to control blood pressure.

In addition, they are a source of trace elements. Among them, zinc stands out, which contributes to a fit immune system, is good for our eyesight and contributes to the work of many enzymes in our body.

Mushrooms, therefore, stimulate our neuronal and brain activity. Due to this high protein value, their digestion is similar to that of meat and fish, so they are usually light.


Nor can we forget the vitamins they contain (A, B1, B2, B3, B6 and C). For example, B vitamins are used primarily to produce energy from food, keep the nervous and cardiovascular systems in good condition. What’s more, it does its bit for our mental health.

Low in calories

Its nutritional value is unquestionable, but there is more. Above, they are highly recommended for diets that demand an extra supply of iron and are low in calories. Their caloric intake varies from one species to another, although none of them has it high. For example, 100 grams of bolero has about 25 calories; the mushroom, about 15; the truffle, about 56; the chanterelle, about 27 or the chanterelle, about 23. Also, the way of cooking them influences, but we can put them on the grill, roasted or sautéed, you choose in the thousands of recipes that you can find.